Next Steps
What we are doing now and what comes next
Step 1: Generate Funds
We are in the formative stages of our journey, focused on generating revenue to expand our inventory and offer a wider range of designs and products. This phase is pivotal as it allows us to create a reliable revenue stream in order to adequately fund lawsuits.
Step 2: Select and Fund Lawsuits
Looking forward, our next critical step is to create working relationships with individual lawyers and organizations that are already active in courtrooms across the country to find and fund the most important lawsuits possible. We will seek out cases already in progress that require funding to continue or cases where financial support can enable individuals to retain the best legal representation for their specific situation.
Step 3: Generate Press
We will seek out legal cases that not only have immense potential to set new legal precedent, but also have the ability to captivate the attention of the press and the public. For all cases we fund we will also work tirelessly to make sure it receives as much attention as possible.
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them.” - Thomas Jefferson.